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SignIn container

The SignIn container helps render different screens that enable the customer to log in to an account. The container supports multiple scenarios, including standard logins for existing accounts and for accounts that are process of being confirmed.

If customers are required to confirm an email address to create an account, the Stores > Configuration > Customers > Customer Configuration > Create New Account Options > Require Emails Confirmation setting in the Commerce Admin must be set to Yes.

Simple login

The standard login screen can be displayed when an account has already been created or confirmed, or when email configuration is disabled.

Upon a successful login, the SignIn container renders the SuccessNotification container. This container can be overridden using the Slots API.

Alternatively, if you pass the routeRedirectOnSignIn property, the user will be redirected to the specified URL after successful login. (Neither SuccessNotification nor Slot content will be rendered.)

SignIn standard login container

SignIn standard login container

Log in to an unconfirmed account

This scenario is applicable when email confirmation has been enabled, and the user has created an account, but has not confirmed their email.

If the user attempts to log in with credentials for an unconfirmed account, they will see a custom notification allowing them to resend the confirmation email. When the user clicks on the Resend confirmation email link shown below, Commerce sends a new confirmation email to the user.

SignIn standard login container

SignIn standard login container

Confirmation from email

The SignIn container processes email confirmations when users click on the confirmation link sent to their email. The link format is:<user_email>&id=<user_id>&key=<confirmation_key>

The following steps describe the flow:

  • Email confirmation is enabled in the Commerce Admin.
  • The user has created an account and received the email confirmation link.
  • The user clicks on the link and gets redirected to the email confirmation page with the SignIn dropin.

SignIn standard login container

SignIn standard login container

SignIn configurations

The SignIn container provides the following configuration options:

slotsSuccessNotificationNoAllows passing the SuccessNotification container or custom component rendered on successful sign-in if routeRedirectOnSignIn is not provided.
labelsRecord<string, string>NoText that describes the container
formSizedefault | smallNoControls form paddings and spacing. Use "small" to embed the form in small layout containers like a dropdown in the header.
renderSignUpLinkbooleanNoControls the visibility of the “Sign up” link next to the “Forgot Password” link.
initialEmailValuestringNoAllows passing an initial value for the email input (prefilled sign-in form).
enableEmailConfirmationbooleanNoDetermines if this container is used to handle email confirmation.
hideCloseBtnOnEmailConfirmationbooleanNoControls the visibility of the “Close” button on the email confirmation view.
routeRedirectOnEmailConfirmationClosefunctionNoDetermines where the user is redirected when the “Close” button on the email confirmation view is clicked.
routeForgotPasswordfunctionNoDetermines where the “Forgot password?” link redirects the customer.
routeSignUpfunctionNoDetermines where the “Sign up” link redirects the customer (link visibility is based on the renderSignUpLink property).
routeRedirectOnSignInfunctionNoDetermines the page to which the user should be redirected after sign-in. If provided, the user won’t be redirected to the SuccessNotification container or any slot-defined override.
onSuccessCallbackfunctionNoCallback executed when the user successfully logs in, receiving userName and status as parameters.
onErrorCallbackfunctionNoCallback executed when an error occurs, receiving the error object as a parameter.
onSignUpLinkClickfunctionNoExecuted on clicking the “Sign up” link before redirect (link visibility is based on the renderSignUpLink property).


The following example renders the SignIn container.

export default async function decorate(block) {
if (checkIsAuthenticated()) {
window.location.href = CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_PATH;
} else {
await authRenderer.render(SignIn, {
enableEmailConfirmation: true,
routeForgotPassword: () => CUSTOMER_FORGOTPASSWORD_PATH,
slots: {
SuccessNotification: (ctx) => {
const userName = ctx?.isSuccessful?.userName || '';
const elem = document.createElement('div');
authRenderer.render(SuccessNotification, {
labels: {
headingText: `Welcome ${userName}!`,
messageText: 'You have successfully logged in.',
slots: {
SuccessNotificationActions: (innerCtx) => {
const primaryBtn = document.createElement('div');
authRenderer.render(Button, {
children: 'My Account',
onClick: () => {
window.location.href = CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_PATH;
const secondaryButton = document.createElement('div'); = 'flex'; = 'center'; = 'var(--spacing-xsmall)';
authRenderer.render(Button, {
children: 'Logout',
variant: 'tertiary',
onClick: async () => {
await authApi.revokeCustomerToken();
window.location.href = '/';