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Cart Functions

The Cart dropin provides API functions that allow developers to retrieve and display detailed cart information dynamically.


This function adds products to a cart. It takes sku, quantity, and optionsUIDs as parameters.

import { addProductsToCart } from '@/cart/api/addProductsToCart';
sku: string;
quantity: number;
optionsUIDs?: string[];

Here’s the shape of the data returned from the addProductsToCart function:

type CartModel = {
id: string;
totalQuantity: number;
errors?: ItemError[];
items: Item[];
miniCartMaxItems: Item[];
total: {
includingTax: Price;
excludingTax: Price;
discount?: Price;
subtotal: {
excludingTax: Price;
includingTax: Price;
includingDiscountOnly: Price;
appliedTaxes: TotalPriceModifier[];
totalTax?: Price;
appliedDiscounts: TotalPriceModifier[];
shipping?: Price;
isVirtual?: boolean;
addresses: {
shipping?: {
countryCode: string;
zipCode?: string;
regionCode?: string;
isGuestCart?: boolean;


A function that returns a new empty cart ID.

import { createEmptyCart } from '@/cart/api/createEmptyCart';

The data returned is a new empty cart ID as a string:

type EmptyCartId = string;


A function that returns current cart data.

import { getCartData } from '@/cart/api/getCartData';

Here’s the shape of the data returned from the getCartData function:

type CartModel = {
id: string;
totalQuantity: number;
errors?: ItemError[];
items: Item[];
miniCartMaxItems: Item[];
total: {
includingTax: Price;
excludingTax: Price;
discount?: Price;
subtotal: {
excludingTax: Price;
includingTax: Price;
includingDiscountOnly: Price;
appliedTaxes: TotalPriceModifier[];
totalTax?: Price;
appliedDiscounts: TotalPriceModifier[];
shipping?: Price;
isVirtual?: boolean;
addresses: {
shipping?: {
countryCode: string;
zipCode?: string;
regionCode?: string;
isGuestCart?: boolean;


A function that returns estimated totals for cart based on an address. It takes an address parameter.

import { getEstimatedTotals } from '@/cart/api/getEstimatedTotals';
address: {
countryCode: string,
postcode?: string,
region?: {
region?: string,
code?: string,
id?: number,

Here’s the shape of the data returned from the getEstimatedTotals function:

type EstimatedTotals = {
cartId: string;
address: {
countryCode: string;
postcode?: string;
region?: {
region?: string;
code?: string;
id?: number;
shippingMethod: {
carrierCode: string;
methodCode: string;


A function that returns estimated shipping methods based on country ID. It takes the countryCode, postcode, and region.code parameters.

import { getEstimateShipping } from '@/cart/api/getEstimateShipping';
countryCode: string;
postcode?: string;
region?: {
code?: string;

Here’s the shape of the data returned from the getEstimateShipping function:

type EstimatedShipping = {
cartId: string;
address: {
countryCode: string;
postcode?: string;
region?: {
region?: string;
code?: string;
id?: number;
shippingMethod: {
carrierCode: string;
methodCode: string;


A function that returns information about a store’s configuration.

import { getStoreConfig } from '@/cart/api/getStoreConfig';

Here’s the shape of the data returned from the getStoreConfig function:

type StoreConfigModel = {
displayMiniCart: boolean;
miniCartMaxItemsDisplay: number;
cartExpiresInDays: number;
cartSummaryDisplayTotal: number;
defaultCountry: string;
categoryFixedProductTaxDisplaySetting: string;
productFixedProductTaxDisplaySetting: string;
salesFixedProductTaxDisplaySetting: string;
shoppingCartDisplaySetting: {
fullSummary: boolean;
grandTotal: boolean;
price: number | string;
shipping: number | string;
subtotal: number | string;
taxGiftWrapping: string;
zeroTax: boolean;


A function that initializes either a guest or customer Cart.

import { initializeCart } from '@/cart/api/initializeCart';

Here’s the shape of the data returned from the initializeCart function:

type CartModel = {
id: string;
totalQuantity: number;
errors?: ItemError[];
items: Item[];
miniCartMaxItems: Item[];
total: {
includingTax: Price;
excludingTax: Price;
discount?: Price;
subtotal: {
excludingTax: Price;
includingTax: Price;
includingDiscountOnly: Price;
appliedTaxes: TotalPriceModifier[];
totalTax?: Price;
appliedDiscounts: TotalPriceModifier[];
shipping?: Price;
isVirtual?: boolean;
addresses: {
shipping?: {
countryCode: string;
zipCode?: string;
regionCode?: string;
isGuestCart?: boolean;


A function that resets the cart.

import { resetCart } from '@/cart/api/resetCart';

Here’s the shape of the data returned from the resetCart function:

type Cart = {
cartId: null;
authenticated: false;


A function that updates products in cart. It takes the uid and quantity parameters.

import { updateProductsFromCart } from '@/cart/api/updateProductsFromCart';
uid: string,
quantity: number,

Here’s the shape of the data returned from the updateProductsFromCart function:

type CartModel = {
id: string;
totalQuantity: number;
errors?: ItemError[];
items: Item[];
miniCartMaxItems: Item[];
total: {
includingTax: Price;
excludingTax: Price;
discount?: Price;
subtotal: {
excludingTax: Price;
includingTax: Price;
includingDiscountOnly: Price;
appliedTaxes: TotalPriceModifier[];
totalTax?: Price;
appliedDiscounts: TotalPriceModifier[];
shipping?: Price;
isVirtual?: boolean;
addresses: {
shipping?: {
countryCode: string;
zipCode?: string;
regionCode?: string;
isGuestCart?: boolean;