Exportieren eines Skripts

Das als JavaScript-Modul geschriebene Skript ist Teil eines Node.js-Projekts, da es eine Abhängigkeit von node-fetch hat. Sie können das Projekt als ZIP-Datei herunterladen, oder Sie kopieren das unten stehende Skript in ein leeres Node.js-Projekt vom Typ module und führen npm install node-fetch aus, um die Abhängigkeit zu installieren.

Dieses Skript durchläuft die Ordnerstruktur von AEM Assets und lädt Assets und Ordner in einen lokalen Ordner auf Ihrem Computer herunter. Es verwendet die AEM Assets-HTTP-API, um den Ordner und die Asset-Daten abzurufen, und lädt die Original-Ausgabeformate der Assets herunter.

// export-assets.js

import fetch from 'node-fetch';
import { promises as fs } from 'fs';
import path from 'path';

// Do not process the contents of these well-known AEM system folders
const SKIP_FOLDERS = ['/content/dam/appdata', '/content/dam/projects', '/content/dam/_CSS', '/content/dam/_DMSAMPLE' ];

 * Determine if the folder should be processed based on the entity and AEM path.
 * @param {Object} entity the AEM entity that should represent a folder returned from AEM Assets HTTP API
 * @param {String} aemPath the path in AEM of this source
 * @returns true if the entity should be processed, false otherwise
function isValidFolder(entity, aemPath) {
    if (aemPath === '/content/dam') {
        // Always allow processing /content/dam
        return true;
    } else if (!entity.class.includes('assets/folder')) {
        return false;
    } if (SKIP_FOLDERS.find((path) => path === aemPath)) {
        return false;
    } else if (entity.properties.hidden) {
        return false;

    return true;

 * Determine if the entity is downloadable.
 * @param {Object} entity the AEM entity that should represent an asset returned from AEM Assets HTTP API
 * @returns true if the entity is downloadable, false otherwise
function isDownloadable(entity) {
    if (entity.class.includes('assets/folder')) {
        return false;
    } else if (entity.properties.contentFragment) {
        return false;

    return true;

 * Helper function to get the link from the entity based on the relationship name.
 * @param {Object} entity the entity from the AEM Assets HTTP API
 * @param {String} rel the relationship name
 * @returns
function getLink(entity, rel) {
    return entity.links.find(link => link.rel.includes(rel));

 * Helper function to fetch JSON data from the AEM Assets HTTP API.
 * @param {String} url the AEM Assets HTTP API URL to fetch data from
 * @returns the JSON response of the AEM Assets HTTP API
async function fetchJSON(url) {
    const response = await fetch(url, {
        method: 'GET',
        headers: {
            'Authorization': `Bearer ${AEM_ACCESS_TOKEN}`,
            'Content-Type': 'application/json'

    if (!response.ok) {
        throw new Error(`Error: ${response.status}`);

    return response.json();

 * Helper function to download a file from AEM Assets.
 * @param {String} url the URL of the asset rendition to download
 * @param {String} outputPath the local path to save the downloaded file
async function downloadFile(url, outputPath) {
    const response = await fetch(url, {
        method: 'GET',
        headers: {
            'Authorization': `Bearer ${AEM_ACCESS_TOKEN}`,

    if (!response.ok) {
        throw new Error(`Failed to download file: ${response.statusText}`);

    const arrayBuffer = await response.arrayBuffer();
    await fs.writeFile(outputPath, Buffer.from(arrayBuffer));

    console.log(`Downloaded asset: ${outputPath}`);

 * Main entry
 * @param {Object} options the options for downloading assets
 * @param {String} options.folderUrl the URL of the AEM folder to download
 * @param {String} options.localPath the local path to save the downloaded assets
 * @param {String} options.aemPath the AEM path of the folder to download
async function downloadAssets({apiUrl, localPath = LOCAL_DOWNLOAD_FOLDER, aemPath = '/content/dam'}) {
    if (!apiUrl) {
        // Handle the initial call to the script, which should just provide the AEM path
        // Construct the proper AEM Assets HTTP API URL as it uses a truncated AEM path
        const prefix = "/content/dam/";
        let apiPath = aemPath.startsWith(prefix) ? aemPath.substring(prefix.length) : aemPath;

        if (!apiPath.startsWith('/')) {
            apiPath = '/' + apiPath;

        apiUrl = `${AEM_HOST}/api/assets.json${apiPath}`

    const data = await fetchJSON(apiUrl);
    const entities = data.entities || [];

    // Process folders first
    for (const folder of entities.filter(entity => entity.class.includes('assets/folder'))) {
        const newLocalPath = path.join(localPath, folder.properties.name);
        const newAemPath = path.join(aemPath, folder.properties.name);

        if (!isValidFolder(folder, newAemPath)) {

        await fs.mkdir(newLocalPath, { recursive: true });

        await downloadAssets({
            apiUrl: getLink(folder, 'self')?.href,
            localPath: newLocalPath,
            aemPath: newAemPath

    let downloads = [];

    // Process assets
    for (const asset of entities.filter(entity => entity.class.includes('assets/asset'))) {
        const assetLocalPath = path.join(localPath, asset.properties.name);
        if (isDownloadable(asset)) {
            downloads.push(downloadFile(getLink(asset, 'content')?.href, assetLocalPath));

        // Process in batches of MAX_CONCURRENT_DOWNLOADS
        if (downloads.length >= MAX_CONCURRENT_DOWNLOADS) {
            await Promise.all(downloads);
            downloads = [];

    // Wait for the remaining downloads to finish
    await Promise.all(downloads);
    downloads = [];

    // Handle pagination
    const nextUrl = getLink(data, 'next');
    if (nextUrl) {
        await downloadAssets({
            apiUrl: nextUrl?.href,


// AEM host is the URL of the AEM environment to download the assets from
const AEM_HOST = 'https://author-p123-e456.adobeaemcloud.com';

// AEM access token used to access the AEM host.
// This access token must have read access to the folders and assets to download.
const AEM_ACCESS_TOKEN = "eyJhbGciOiJS...zCprYZD0rSjg6g";

// The root folder in AEM to download assets from.
const AEM_ASSETS_FOLDER = '/content/dam/wknd-shared';

// The local folder to save the downloaded assets.
const LOCAL_DOWNLOAD_FOLDER = './exported-assets';

// The number of maximum concurrent downloads to avoid overwhelming the client or server. 10 is typically a good value.

/***** SCRIPT ENTRY POINT *****/

console.time('Download AEM assets');

await downloadAssets({

console.timeEnd('Download AEM assets');

Konfigurieren des Exports

Aktualisieren Sie bei heruntergeladenem Skript die Konfigurationsvariablen am unteren Rand des Skripts.

Das AEM_ACCESS_TOKEN können Sie mithilfe der Schritte in der Anleitung Token-basierte Authentifizierung für AEM as a Cloud Service erhalten. Häufig ist das 24-Stunden-Entwickler-Token ausreichend, solange der Export weniger als 24 Stunden dauert und die Person, die das Token generiert, Lesezugriff auf die Assets hat, die exportiert werden sollen.


// AEM host is the URL of the AEM environment to download the assets from
const AEM_HOST = 'https://author-p123-e456.adobeaemcloud.com';

// AEM access token used to access the AEM host.
// This access token must have read access to the folders and assets to download.
const AEM_ACCESS_TOKEN = "eyJhbGciOiJS...zCprYZD0rSjg6g";

// The root folder in AEM to download assets from.
const AEM_ASSETS_FOLDER = '/content/dam/wknd-shared';

// The local folder to save the downloaded assets.
const LOCAL_DOWNLOAD_FOLDER = './export-assets';

// The number of maximum concurrent downloads to avoid overwhelming the client or server. 10 is typically a good value.

Exportieren der Assets

Führen Sie das Skript mit Node.js aus, um die Assets auf Ihren lokalen Computer zu exportieren.

Je nach Anzahl der Assets und ihrer Größe kann es einige Zeit dauern, bis das Skript abgeschlossen ist. Wenn das Skript ausgeführt wird, protokolliert es den Fortschritt in der Konsole.

$ node export-assets.js

Exportieren der Ausgabe

Das Exportskript protokolliert den Fortschritt in der Konsole und gibt die Assets an, die heruntergeladen werden. Wenn das Skript abgeschlossen ist, werden die Assets in dem in der Konfiguration angegebenen lokalen Ordner gespeichert und das Protokoll schließt mit der Gesamtzeit, die zum Herunterladen der Assets benötigt wurde.

Downloaded asset: exported-assets/wknd-shared/en/magazine/skitouring/skitouring3sjoeberg.jpg
Downloaded asset: exported-assets/wknd-shared/en/magazine/skitouring/skitouring5sjoeberg.jpg
Downloaded asset: exported-assets/wknd-shared/en/magazine/skitouring/skitouring6sjoeberg.jpg
Downloaded asset: exported-assets/wknd-shared/en/magazine/western-australia/wa_camping_adobe.pdf
Downloaded asset: exported-assets/wknd-shared/en/magazine/western-australia/adobestock-156407519.jpeg
Downloaded asset: exported-assets/wknd-shared/en/magazine/western-australia/adobe-waadobe-wa-mg-3094.jpg
Downloaded asset: exported-assets/wknd-shared/en/magazine/western-australia/adobe-waadobe-wa-mg-3851.jpg
Downloaded asset: exported-assets/wknd-shared/en/magazine/western-australia/adobe-waadobe-wa-b6a7083.jpg
Downloaded asset: exported-assets/wknd-shared/en/magazine/western-australia/adobe-waadobe-wa-b6a6978.jpg
Download AEM assets: 24.770s

Die exportierten Assets befinden sich in dem in der Konfiguration angegebenen lokalen Ordner LOCAL_DOWNLOAD_FOLDER. Die Ordnerstruktur spiegelt die AEM-Assets-Ordnerstruktur wider, wobei die Assets in die entsprechenden Unterordner heruntergeladen werden. Diese Dateien können zu unterstützten Cloud-Speicheranbietern zum Massenimport in andere AEM-Instanzen oder zu Sicherungszwecken hochgeladen werden.

Exportierte Assets

Vorherige SeiteHerunterladen von Assets
Nächste SeiteVeröffentlichen von Assets

Experience Manager