Fixed issues in the 2024.06.0 release

This article covers the bugs fixed in various areas of the 2024.06.0 release of Adobe Experience Manager Guides as a Cloud Service.

For more information about the new features and enhancements, view What’s new in the 2024.06.0 release.

Learn about upgrade instructions for the 2024.06.0 release.


  • The copy and paste operation of topics exceeding 15KB fails with an unexpected error. (17171)

  • The functionality to change the document state from the File Properties panel isn’t working correctly and changes to the Draft state. (17088)

  • When changing the XML editor settings using a custom folder profile, the ui_config.json gets updated with an incorrect file. (17011)

  • In the Repository panel, the Filter search doesn’t retain the value of Checked out by field when reopening the Advanced filter dialog box. (16935)

  • Linked images from the topics fail to appear in the baseline after version creation. (16931)

  • Reusable content panels don’t list elements when the User preferences are set to view files by Filename. (16896)

  • Subelements within the table title element fail to render in the Preview mode of Experience Manager Guides. (16691)

  • Execution of postprocess script fails due to FileNotFoundException exception. (16517)

  • Vimeo videos don’t support fullscreen functionality in Experience Manager Guides. (15996)

  • Pasting long preformatted text sequences in <pre> or <codeblock> elements leads to truncated text. (15859)

  • Content deletion occurs due to duplicate GUIDs when templates are installed via code but remain unprocessed. (15858)

  • Experience Manager Guides fail to adhere to the Processing Role attribute in Preview mode. (15787)

  • The Editor intermittently deletes extra text beyond the selected area. (15708)

  • Inability to copy and paste large tables from Word documents or HTML into the Web Editor. (15369)

  • The Copy function fails for empty folders in Experience Manager Guides as a Cloud Service. (15353)

  • Lack of APIs or events to capture attribute addition to an element or insertion of a new element. (15351)

  • Inability to add <data> tag within <ol> tag in the Web Editor. (15161)

  • When Unified Shell is enabled, the Version Label Management dialog box incorrectly displays Main Content for versions without labels. (15039)

  • Large files load slowly in the Web Editor, with a delay of a few seconds. (14958)

  • Pressing the Enter key in a table cell within the text does not split the paragraph as expected. (14251)

  • The Experience Manager DITA Guide fails to trigger the Save function after using the auto-indent feature. (16482)

  • Review topics don’t appear in the correct order. (16319)

  • In the Author view, a copy-and-paste issue occurs on using non-breaking spaces and results in overflowing of text. (15541)

  • In <othermeta> element within <topicmeta>, on adding a <conref>to another DITA map, the map ID is also appended along with the ID of the element. (15226)

  • The <conref> cannot be updated from the Attributes panel when making changes. (15209)

  • When selecting an image within a table cell, the entire cell is selected. (15188)


  • Crossmap linking fails to display all parent maps in the publishing context settings for a link that has the peer @scope. (16700)
  • On adding any new or removing any existing attributes, the old attributes are retained in the Condition Presets. (15890)
  • The RTL language content isn’t handled correctly in the Native PDF publishing output. (15709)
  • The first PDF is not versioned when a Native PDF output is generated. (10305)
  • In Native PDF, nested DITA topics are displayed incorrectly in the Table of Contents (TOC). (16742)
  • Thumbnails generated from Dynamic Media for video files fail to persist in the published output. (15656)
  • Output generation fails for Native PDF Publishing on an ARM64 processor. (16968)


  • Editing an existing baseline and selecting a specific version triggers application errors. (14451)


  • Translation projects fail to add new language jobs to Adobe Experience Manager 6.5 SP18 with the October 2023 release of Experience Manager Guides. (15398)

Cloud Service

  • Adobe Experience Manager Tools navigation is unresponsive. (17118)
  • Build Transform phase in Cloud Services deployment fails with errors from the DITA codebase. (14432)


  • The inaccurate Topic List counts in Experience Manager Guides UI due to unpatched properties when copying DITA assets impact the reports generated for a DTIA map. (15529)
  • Topics containing external references with %20 in the URL display broken file references. (15347)

Known issues

Adobe has identified the following known issues for the 2024.06.0 release:

  • Native PDF Publishing fails when Vimeo content is added to the topic.
  • The Topic properties are not displayed as per the selected format in the metadata fields of a page layout.
  • xrefs are not clickable in the Assets view when Dynamic Media is enabled.